
“Good morning professor Snape!”


【Where am I? Who are you?What`s wrong with Hogwarts?~~】


“Wait wait wait, one by one please sir. The first is my name is 白酒歌,my English name is Asura so you can call me Ara(阿罗). The next, you are in the hospital, you were bitten by Nagini during the Great War, and the injuries may have been further exacerbated during the game teleport, so I had to take you to the hospital to ensure that you survived and that I would not lose anything.”


【Hospital, Muggle place, how dare you send me to such a filthy place?】


“Come on sir, put away your boring thoughts, you dont have a choice now, I only have such an insurance for you, you have to live here according to my arrangement, by the way, the bottle of snake venom antidote in your pocket has already entered your stomach, dont blame me if you cant find it. ”


【So Im not dead? And what about them?】


“The Great War was won, but I dont know exactly who died.”


斯内普陷入了沉思,不知道在想什么,想【Wait, why are you able to understand me? Why can you hear me?】(等等,你为什么能够听懂我说话?你为什么能够听见我说话?)

“Oh my God, youve finally reacted, its a long story, so Im too lazy to say it, so dont worry about it.”


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